This site is hosted on Github Pages. You can go straight to the github repository here.
The rest of this page walks through the methods involved in creating this portfolio.
This site is made up of static pages of content, with a dynamic homepage that displays links to the content in an organized way. It populates with links to the static pages on this site. In this way, the homepage is like a map that organizes the content on this site in a user-friendly way. The static pages that the homepage link to are organized in the following file structure.
The homepage gets the images and link title from the JSON/Script file. The Script acts as a very simplistic content management system (CMS). The homepage is considered "dynamic" because everytime the JSON is updated (eg a new page is added), the homepage will reflect this change. Right now I create each page (the things in the "things" folder) and update the JSON with the page's details. These details include: the link, the colour, and the thumbnail (all of these properties combined create the link you see on the homepage). In the future I may add a way to edit the content without having to edit the code directly.
Github hosts this site; is the dev environment; TailWind CSS is used to make the site look pretty; Imgur hosts the images; And Raphael JS is used to make graphics (like the site structure one shown above)